A love of locally sourced produce has been intrinsic to Rocket since our beginnings, but today our motivations are spurred on by another hot topic: sustainability. Our passionate team are pulling together to ensure that we are catering both ‘greenly’ and exquisitely. Nothing is compromised in the Rocket kitchens, which is why we work with only the best local suppliers, develop our menus seasonally, and work tirelessly to ensure waste is a rarity, not a reckless commodity.

We are committed to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, in line with targets to limit global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This will be achieved through ambitious levels of change, innovation, collaboration, and investment in business practices. From investing in the latest food waste technology, to employing glass and carbon crushers to reduce the road miles of transporting our recycling, we are always on the lookout for innovative ways we can reduce the impact on our environment. We have recently partnered with Foodsteps, a UK based startup revolutionising the way we understand the environmental impact of our food choices. With Foodsteps’ groundbreaking technology, we are able to assess the carbon footprint of all items on our menu, enabling chefs to re-engineer dishes to make them more environmentally friendly or provide our clients with menus that feature a lower carbon intensity. Please view Rocket’s Sustainability Brochure to learn more.


Rocket's Sustainability Group

Our internal sustainability committee was formed to establish the foundation of our sustainability priorities. The committee meets monthly and provides our employees and stakeholders with an understanding of our progress towards our sustainability goals. The forum is a vital force for driving forward change and building a shared understanding about the importance of our environmental practices across the company. 

Rocket Sustainable Initiatives

The Rocket Supplier map

At Rocket, we aim to source our ingredients locally through the formation of partnerships with tested, trusted and reputable local suppliers. We aim to work exclusively with local suppliers and procure all goods with a source of <25 miles from our headquarters in Battersea.

We avoid “wasted miles” by ordering in bulk wherever possible and consolidating our suppliers of fresh produce to reduce the number of journeys suppliers make to our production Kitchen, reducing the overall level of road miles travelled.

We request sufficient and appropriate evidence from each of our partners to ensure that suppliers further down the supply chain have been paid a fair price for the products received. This, in conjunction with a commitment against modern slavery, ensures that all of our suppliers conform to the sustainability requirements of our operation and ensure that each event leaves a tangible and positive impact on the immediate local community.

Please download Rocket’s 2024 Sustainability Brochure to learn more about our sustainability initiatives and practices.

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